
Planning permission granted for six storey mixed use development in Sutton

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Following an appeal, planning permission has been granted for a six storey mixed use development in Sutton town centre.  The development will replace an existing single storey retail building within an identified area of taller building potential with a six storey mixed use building comprising commercial space on the ground floor and 48 residential units on the upper floors. The appeal was heard in March 2021 and covered a range of issues raised in the reasons for refusal, including: the deliverability of the proposed development (there being no dispute that the viability appraisal showed a deficit); the design of the proposed development and its effect on the character and appearance of Sutton Town Centre; the effect of the proposed development on the amenity of neighbouring residential properties in terms of daylight, sunlight and privacy; the potential for adverse noise impacts from neighbouring commercial uses on future residents of the proposed development; and the effect of the proposed development on air quality.  The Inspector concluded that the proposed development was acceptable in all respects.  The decision letter can be found here. Matthew Henderson represented the appellant during the appeal.

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