Rating and Valuation

Valuation Disputes

Landmark is home to some of the most respected and experienced valuation specialists at the Bar, across rating, rent review, lease renewals, CPO compensation and leasehold enfranchisement.


We have considerable experience in examining expert valuation witnesses and in advising on the most complex valuation disputes involving properties worth hundreds of millions of pounds, and are able to explain, analyse and apply all of the established rating valuation techniques in any legal context.

Valuation is a complex subject – as much an art as a science – involving detailed analysis of market data and comparable properties, the application of intricate and sensitive methodologies to unusual properties, and the exercise of professional judgment. It requires considerable skill and specialist experience for a barrister to advise and examine professional valuers.

Landmark is unique at the Bar, in that it offers skilled and specialist valuation barristers who can operate across almost any area of law in which valuation issues arise. That breadth of expertise is itself a source of strength, as Landmark’s barristers can draw on lessons and learning from one field of law and apply it to solve novel problems in another.

In the field of rating, we can provide barristers able to advise on any class of property, from simple retail or commercial issues up to the most complex and valuable hereditaments in the country.

Landmark’s barristers have appeared in some of the most significant valuation disputes of recent times. Highlights include:

  • Ludgate House Ltd v Ricketts (VO), the leading authority on the valuation approach to composite hereditaments
  • Interoute Vtesse Ltd v Gidman (VO), concerning the valuation of a national fibreoptic cable network
  • BNPPDS v Ricketts (VO), the test case on the correct valuation approach to multi-storey car parks
  • Hardman (VO) v British Gas, concerning the valuation approach to power stations.

Practice Managers

Contact our friendly and helpful Practice Managers for more information about our barristers and services or to make an enquiry.

Ben Connor

Practice Director

020 7421 2483

Ben Connor

Mark Ball

Practice Director

020 7421 1308

Mark Ball new

Richard Bolton

Senior Practice Manager

020 7421 1392

Richard Bolton new

Charlotte Hockney

Assistant Practice Manager

020 7421 1303

Charlotte Hockney new

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