
Rights of Light

Barristers at Landmark Chambers have specialist knowledge and experience of advising and representing clients in relation to Rights of Light, including:

  • Developers seeking strategies to carry out developments which potentially infringe rights of light
  • Title insurers, assessing policy risk or managing claims in relation to rights of light policies.
  • Owners of neighbouring properties seeking to ensure that they are properly compensated, or their rights of light are respected
  • Local authorities considering the use of statutory powers to overcome rights of light.


Landmark’s property specialists are regularly involved in actual or potential disputes about whether rights of light have been created or infringed. The law relating to rights of light is a complex and highly technical branch of  property law. Such disputes often involve the interpretation of rights of light deeds or the effect of light obstruction notices, and difficult and much disputed legal issues about the assessment of infringement in rights of light cases, and the proper measure of damages. The potential for overlapping claims by adjacent owners (or the owners of different interests within the same property) , the involvement of insurance and the possibility of local authority intervention mean that a strategic and tactical approach is essential. The strength and experience of Landmark’s members practising in this area ensures that they are able to provide an informed and strategic perspective, and not just a mere technical analysis of the law.

The unique position of Landmark as a leading chambers in Property, Public and Planning law also allows members of Landmark, individually or working with others, to provide comprehensive advice to clients, which takes into account the possibility of the use by local authorities of their statutory powers to override rights of light, and also the wider planning implications of the impacts of a development upon light. 

Members of chambers regularly speak and write on issues relating to rights of light, and is the co-author of a leading practitioner book on the subject .

Practice Managers

Contact our friendly and helpful Practice Managers for more information about our barristers and services or to make an enquiry.

Mark Ball

Practice Director

020 7421 1308

Mark Ball new

Harry Feldman

Practice Manager

020 7421 2485

Harry Feldman

Connor McGilly

Practice Manager

020 7421 1304

Connor Mc Gilly new

Ruby Sims

Assistant Practice Manager

020 7421 1337

Ruby Sims new

Richard Bolton

Senior Practice Manager

020 7421 1392

Richard Bolton new

Mia Goodwin

Assistant Practice Manager

020 7421 1344

Mia Goodwin

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