
Inquiry opens into the proposed Wisley New Settlement

This morning an inquiry opens into the proposed Wisley New Settlement.

The proposed development consists of up to 1,730 dwellings, 8 gypsy and travellers pitches, up to 100 units of housing for older people, a mixed-use commercial local centre with public square, community hub and employment area alongside other commercial mixed-use neighbourhood centres located throughout and an employment area, and sui-generis uses subject to specific planning permissions), a secondary school, a primary school, green infrastructure (including parks, neighbourhood greens and sports pitches and associated pavilion), SANG other infrastructure, part of Wisley Lane Diversion between Ockham Interchange roundabout and realigned section of Wisley Lane Diversion, a vehicular / cycle / pedestrian sustainable transport corridor (linking the proposed Wisley Lane Diversion roundabout to Old Lane and associated infrastructure and earthworks at land at the former Wisley Airfield (with construction access from Ockham Interchange and Elm Corner).

The appeal site comprises the largest part of a site allocated in the Guildford Local Plan under Policy A35 “Former Wisley airfield, Ockham”.

The appeal site was the subject of an earlier appeal determined in 2018 and prior to its removal from the Green Belt and allocation in the Local Plan.

The appeal is made against the non-determination by Guildford Borough Council (“GBC”). The planning application was submitted in July 2022. An appeal against non-determination was then lodged in April 2023. GBC later resolved that it would have refused the application for 7 reasons.

The Inspector is Christina Downes BSc DipTP MRTPI.

The inquiry is due to sit until the end of November 2023.

James Maurici KC and Matthew Dale-Harris are acting for the Appellant, Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd, instructed by Charlie Collins at Savills.

Matthew Fraser is acting for the Trustees of the JR Harris Discretionary Settlement (one of the other land owners within the A35 allocation) and a Rule 6 party in the appeal – instructed by Alison Tero at CBRE.

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