
Land at Home Farm, Church Lane, Exeter

This s78 appeal concerned a substantial housing development on the outskirts of Exeter. The location was part of the landscape setting of the City and the site had been rejected for allocation.  The local planning authority contended that it had a 5 year supply of deliverable housing sites, relying on a large amount of student accommodation and the terms of the Planning Practice Guidance.  The developer contended that it was only appropriate to count these units if the housing target took account of the need for student accommodation - which in this case it did not.  The Inspector held that the local planning authority’s interpretation of the Planning Practice Guidance was incorrect and that there was no 5 year supply of deliverable sites.  She granted planning permission.  Her decision was unsuccessfully challenged (Exeter City Council v SSCLG [2015] EWHC 1663). Richard Langham appeared for the local planning authority.

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