An Inspector (David Nicholson, RIBA, IHBC) has today allowed an appeal in respect of 103 dwellings and the provision of a 10 ha Suitable Alternative Green Space (“SANG”) on land at Steel Cross, Crowborough (APP/C1435/A/14/2223431).
The land is within the High Weald AONB and located close to the Ashdown Forest SPA and SAC.
Wealden had refused planning permission on 7 grounds including: contribution to nitrogen deposition in the Ashdown Forest through increased traffic movements, the adequacy of the proposed SANGS and the fact that it had not adopted guidance on contributions towards a Strategic Management and Monitoring Strategy (“SAMMS”), landscape impact, sustainability and impact on the AONB.
The Inspector gave careful consideration to the proper treatment of nitrogen deposition and SANGS issues in the area.
He rejected an argument that permission should be refused because Wealden had yet to finalise its SAMMS and SANGS strategy.
James Maurici QC appeared for the Appellant, Knight Developments Ltd instructed by ASP.
Scott Lyness appeared for Wealden.