The Secretary of State (decision made by his Inspector, John Braithwaite) has dismissed an appeal in relation to a 29 storey residential scheme proposed at Woodlands Nursing Home, 1 Dugard Way, Lambeth. The Inspector reasoned that the public benefits of the scheme would outweigh the less than substantial harm that would be caused to the significance of a number of designated heritage assets. However, additional harm would be caused – including to the character of the area and to the amenities of residents of dwellings around the site – such that overall, the substantial harm that would result from the scheme was not outweighed by the public benefits. The decision (dated 7 January 2021) can be found here. Sasha White QC and Anjoli Foster acted for the appellant, Anthology Kennington Stage Ltd. Heather Sargent acted for the local planning authority, London Borough of Lambeth.