
Spurs regeneration scheme approved

Tottenham Hotspur FC has secured planning permission on appeal for the residential-led mixed use regeneration on the former Goods Yard site on White Hart Lane, London. The scheme will deliver up to 316 new homes. It was promoted on a hybrid basis, with “matters of layout, scale, appearance, landscaping and access within the site reserved for residential-led mixed-use redevelopment to comprise the demolition of existing buildings/structures and associated site clearance and erection of new buildings/structures and basement to provide residential units, employment (B1 Use), retail (A1 Use), leisure (A3 and D2 Uses) and community (D1 Use) uses, with associated access, parking (including basement parking) and servicing space, infrastructure, public realm works and ancillary development”. The scheme also included the change of use of No. 52 White Hart Lane (Station Master's House) from C3 use to A3 use.

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