
Southall CPO confirmed

Southhall CPO

*Image by Hunters Architects

An Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State has confirmed the London Borough of Ealing (The Green, Southall) Compulsory Purchase Order 2021. The Order enables the assembly of land interests to deliver 564 new homes, including 50% affordable housing, along with a range of employment uses and community space on an allocated brownfield site in the heart of Southall – an Opportunity Area in the London Plan.

The Inspector found that the CPO scheme accorded with the aims of the London Plan, in particular in relation to promoting sustainable mixed-use places that make the best use of land, including promoting higher density development in areas well connected to public transport, especially in Opportunity Areas, in a way that is design-led. He decided that there is a strong public interest in ensuring that the regeneration of this part of Southall takes place.

The decision is available here.

Zack Simons and Isabella Buono promoted the CPO on behalf of the London Borough of Ealing, in partnership with the Peabody Trust.

Matthew Dale-Harris appeared for one of the statutory objectors to the CPO, the Indian Workers’ Association.

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