The Secretary of State has approved applications for planning permission, conservation area consent and listed building consent to enable the comprehensive redevelopment of the Shell Centre site, between Waterloo Station and the Thames. The proposals, which retain the iconic Shell Tower, will involve the construction of 8 new buildings (ranging in height from 5 to 37 storeys) to provide around 220,000m2 of floorspace comprising offices, up to 877 residential units, retail, leisure and community uses. The applications, which were supported by the London Borough of Lambeth, had been called in by the Secretary of State for his own determination following concerns which had been raised about the possible impact on the setting of the Westminster World Heritage Site. Accepting the recommendation of his Inspector (Mr John Braithwaite) the Secretary of State concluded that the proposed development would be of exemplary design quality which, although it would be visible in views from St James Park and the Westminster World Heritage Site, would not harm the setting of either, or of the other heritage assets on the north and south banks of the river. It would also maximise the amount of affordable housing, and provide space for up to 2000 more office workers, thus optimising the potential for the provision of jobs and homes on the site. Timothy Corner QC and Paul Brown QC acted for the applicant, Braeburn Estates Limited. A copy of the decision letter can be downloaded here.