The Secretary of State today allowed an appeal under s. 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and granted outline planning permission for “a sustainable urban extension to include up to 1,000 dwellings (class C3); a local centre with up to 1,320m2 net floorspace of retail, professional and financial services, and restaurants/ cafes (classes A1, A2 and A3); up to 375m2 net for a public house (class A4); 2.09ha of land for a two-form entry primary school; up to 750m2 for community uses which may include a medical centre, a pharmacy and a community centre (class D1); infrastructure improvements including a pumping station, green infrastructure and highway access” at land to the east of Hardingstone, Northampton. The appellant was the Homes & Communities Agency. The proposed sustainable urban extension was the subject of Policy N6 of the West Northamptonshire Core Strategy. The local planning authority refused planning permission based on the impact on character and appearance and traffic issues. An Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State held an inquiry that sat for 9 days in June and July 2015. The Secretary of State’s decision to allow the appeal and grant permission in agreement with the Inspector’s recommendation is dated 29 February 2016. James Maurici QC and Toby Fisher appeared for the Homes and Communities Agency, the appellant, instructed by Walker Morris LLP. Tim Corner QC and Heather Sargent appeared for Northampton Borough Council.