On 21st January the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government dismissed an appeal under section 18 of the Land Compensation Act 1961 by the London Development Agency in respect of a Certificate of Appropriate Alternative Development for a site at Livingstone Road, Stratford, E15, which had been compulsorily purchased for the Olympic Games. The Certificate had been issued by Newham Council in response to an application by the landowners, Ranger Limited, indicating that the site would, at the relevant date in November 2005 have been suitable for development for business, hotel, residential and live work uses. A positive Certificate for such uses would have a significant effect on value for compensation purposes. The LDA’s principle contention that the site would not be suitable for development in isolation at the relevant date but only as part of a wider area, and at a later date, was rejected. This was the last appeal to be heard by an Inspector under section 18 of the 1961 Act. From now on appeals against Certificates of Appropriate Alternative Development will be heard by the Upper Tribunal, Lands Chamber in accordance with the provisions of Part 9 of the Localism Act 2011. The successful landowner, Ranger Ltd, was represented by John Hobson QC.