Landmark Chambers are delighted to announce that Stephen Bickford-Smith and David Nicholls are two of the co-authors (with Andrew Smith of Child & Child) of the latest edition of ‘Party Walls: Law and Practice’, which has recently been published. Stephen led the writing of the first edition of the book in 1996, shortly after the Party Walls etc. Act 1996 received Royal Assent, and he has been involved in every edition since. Stephen, who is now an Associate Member of Chambers, commented, "since the Act came into force, the law on Party Walls has developed significantly and continues to do so. The latest edition of our book is an essential and clear guide through this changing landscape for lawyers, developers and anyone contemplating building works which may affect their neighbour." David Nicholls joined the editorial team in 2016 to begin work on the fourth edition. David added: "I am thrilled to be associated with this project and to have had the opportunity to help Stephen update the leading practitioners’ text book on this growing and important area of property law.” The book is essential reading for all property lawyers, surveyors and architects and is available from the publishers, LexisNexis.