
Proposed windfarms at Nutsgrove Farm and Wryde Croft, Peterborough

This was an inquiry into two separately promoted windfarm proposals (a 7 and 6 turbines) with associated development at Nutsgrove Farm and Wryde Croft, Peterborough.

The main issues for inquiry were the effect of the windfarms on the Primary Surveillance Radar at RAF Cottesmore and the Precision Approach Radar at RAF Wittering, the effect of the windfarms on the landscape and the residential amenity of local residents, and the extent to which the developments would beneficially contribute to the production of renewable energy.

Charles Banner appeared for the Peterborough City Council, the local planning authority, who supported the applications subject to the imposition of satisfactory conditions and planning obligations.

On 1st April 2010, the Inspector granted permission for both schemes.

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