This was an appeal against the refusal by the London Borough of Campden’s Planning Committee (against the recommendation of its professional planning officers) of an application by the Generator Group for planning permission to build a high quality 21-dwelling development, together with improvements to the tennis club on the site and the provision of almost 3000sqm of new public open space, at the site of the former Mansfield Bowling Club (which had been defunct for a number of years). Planning permission was refused by the Committee and opposed by several local residents on the basis that an alternative leisure use of the site would be suitable, and as a result the requirements of Policy DP15 of the Camden Development Policies DPD and para. 73 of the NPPF had not been complied with. The Appellant contended that it was sufficient to comply with these policies to show that there were adequate alternative bowling facilities in the area, which the Council accepted there were, and alternatively that any alternative leisure use would not in fact be viable. Charles Banner appeared for the Appellant, the Generator Group, instructed by Iceni Projects. On 27 January 2017 the Inspector published his decision, allowing the appeal and making a full award of costs in favour of the Appellant.