A six week inquiry into the call-in of the Preston Tithebarn scheme which aimed to regenerate Preston City Centre by the development of 252,800 sqm of floorspace which sought the comprehensive redevelopment of the Heart of the Tithebarn Regeneration Area comprising retail and ancillary uses, financial and professional services, food and drink, residential, business workspace, a hotel, leisure uses including a cinema, bus transport interchange, substations, storage, car and cycle parking, vehicular access, servicing facilities, highway works, plant and machinery, landscaping, enabling works and works to make good existing structures where they interface the new development. The scheme included the renovation and reuse of the two historic market areas of the city. The proposals were opposed by a consortium of local authorities including Blackpool and Blackburn with Darwen Borough Councils who argued that the proposals for comparison retail (some 52,000 sqm net) would be too large and would seriously damage Blackpool and Blackburn and their own regeneration prospects. Graeme Keen (led by David Elvin QC) represents the Preston Tithebarn Partnership/Lend Lease, the developer. Christopher Katkowski QC represents the Opposition Consortium of Authorities. For further details please click here Planning permission was granted by the Secretary of State on the 22 November 2011.