
Planning permission granted on appeal for C2 development in the Green Belt

Castleoak Care Developments Ltd has secured planning permission on appeal for 110 C2 care apartments and bungalows in the Green Belt at Great Boughton, Chester.  Inspector SJ Lee BA(Hons) MRTPI concluded that in addition to the harm caused by the development’s inappropriateness the scheme would also have a substantial impact on the openness of the Green Belt and constitute encroachment into the countryside.  The Inspector also concluded that the scheme’s failure to deliver any affordable housing constituted a breach of the development plan.  The Inspector concluded however that the need for the scheme coupled with the lack of alternative sites to meet that need, including in settlements, amounted to the very special circumstances necessary to justify permission. Appeal reference: App/A0665/W/18/3203413. Robert Walton QC acted for Castleoak, instructed by David Phillips of Strutt & Parker. Robert’s other Green Belt cases include securing permission for residential-led mixed used development in the Guildford Green Belt and securing permission for the new £90m Heatherwood hospital in the Ascot Green Belt, together with the redevelopment of the former hospital site for 230 homes.

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