MNRE (Midsomer Norton Retail Estate) S.A. has secured planning permission on appeal for the redevelopment of the former Welton Bibby factory site in Midsomer Norton, Somerset. The outline permission authorises the redevelopment of the entire 5.1ha site, comprising the demolition of existing buildings and the mixed use redevelopment for employment (including light industrial/office B1 and B2 uses, A1, A3 and A4 retail uses including a convenience store and public house and A5/C1 uses including a hotel); institutional uses (C2 and D1) and residential uses (market and affordable C3 uses) including approximately 3,730 sqm of employment development and 200 housing units and associated car parking, landscaping and roads/links. Robert Walton advised and appeared at the inquiry for MNRE, instructed by Nigel Whitehead at WPB (Bath) Ltd.