
Permission granted for tall buildings development in Tower Hamlets

Tower Hamlets Permission

An Inspector has allowed an appeal and granted planning permission for a large mixed-use development in Tower Hamlets, including a 30-storey residential building, a 36-storey student residential building, a Data Centre, and a building to provide flexible workspace and community use.

The Inspector found that the proposal would make a positive contribution to the significance of the Naval Row Conservation Area. He also concluded that the building heights would accord with tall buildings policies, and that the design would be high quality and have a positive effect on the character and appearance of the area. The Inspector found several benefits of the scheme including “much need affordable housing and PBSA” and a data centre which “given the importance of this to the UK economy, would be a benefit that would disperse from the local economy to the wider national one.”

The decision can be found here.

Russell Harris KC and Anjoli Foster represented the Appellant, instructed by Pinsent Masons.

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