
New video on the second ever “leapfrog” appeal from the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) heard by the Supreme Court

New video A1 Properties v Tudor Studios

Justin Bates and Harley Ronan review the key factors in A1 Properties (Sunderland) Ltd v Tudor Studios RTM Company Ltd UKSC 2023/0047 in this seven-minute video linked here. The Landmark barristers acted for the Appellant, A1 Properties (Sunderland) Ltd.

The appeal concerns a long-standing issue in statutory interpretation: where a statute lays down a procedural framework for exercising a statutory right, but is silent as to the consequences of a failure to comply with that framework, how should the court ascertain what Parliament intended should follow from non-compliance?

In this appeal, the Supreme Court will consider the correct approach to that issue in the context of a statutory scheme which re-allocates private property rights – the “the right to manage” under the Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002 – and whether the Court of Appeal was correct in Elim Court RTM Co Ltd v Avon Freeholders Ltd [2018] QB 571 to decide that a failure to serve a claim notice on an intermediate landlord with no management responsibilities under s.79(6)(a) of the 2002 Act is not fatal to a claim to acquire the right to manage.

A news item with further details on this case may be accessed here.

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