
Neighbourhood Plan the “decisive” factor in dismissing appeal

Following an 8-day public inquiry, an Inspector has dismissed an appeal against Mid Suffolk District Council’s refusal to grant permission for the development of 126 houses in the countryside in Eye, Suffolk. The Inspector found that there was a robust five-year housing land supply, and made various findings as to the effect of the proposal on landscape, heritage assets, living conditions, accessibility and highway safety. However, the Inspector found that the “decisive” factor was the conflict between the appeal proposal and the emerging Eye Neighbourhood Plan, which had very recently been found to satisfy the basic conditions by an Examiner. The Inspector found that the Neighbourhood Plan “more than comfortably accommodates the local housing need” and that the appeal proposal could “undermine the allocations in the plan coming forward.” Notably, the Inspector concluded that: “Granting permission now for the proposed development would be contrary to the Eye Neighbourhood Plan and could undermine it at a late stage in its preparation. I agree with the Council and the Town Council when they say that to grant permission would ignore the vision of the people of Eye and would call into question the very purpose of the neighbourhood plan process.Anjoli Foster acted for Mid Suffolk District Council. Tom Morris acted for Eye Town Council. The appeal decision can be read here.

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