Speaking to the National Infrastructure Planning Association (NIPA), Lord Carnwath of the UK Supreme Court has called for judicial reviews into major infrastructure projects, and possibly other planning and environmental cases, to be moved from the Administrative Court to a specialist ‘land and environment chamber’ of the Upper Tribunal. He suggest would ensure that “the system for dealing with them is as expert, responsive and speedy as possible, consistent with the objects of justice”. Lord Carnwath referred to the Land and Environment Court in New Zealand as a potential model for such a propsosal. His speech is reported by the Solicitors Journal at http://www.solicitorsjournal.com/news/property/residential/lord-carnwath-calls-upper-tribunal-hear-planning-challenges
This is the latest in a line of calls by senior lawyers and judges in the UK for a specialist environmental court to be established. In 2000, Landmark associate member Prof. Malcolm Grant CBE wrote a report for the Department for Environment, Transport and the Regions on the subject.