On Wednesday 10 November 2010 UKELA is organising a seminar on Energy in Wales.
Rhodri Price Lewis QC of Landmark Chambers is speaking on “Energy from Waste a talk on the planning issues to be considered and overcome”.
The seminar is being held at Hugh James Solicitors in Cardiff and is being co-sponsored by Landmark Chambers.
The seminar is being chaired by Professor Mark Stallworthy, Co-Director of the Centre for Environmental and Energy Law and Policy at Swansea University, the seminar will also include talks from:
- Nuclear power and Wales by Professor Lynda Warren
- Wind Energy, A Welsh Perspective by Llywelyn Rhys (Head of Renewables UK) and Ioan Prydderch, Hugh James
- Financing Renewable Energy Projects, Andrew Hannah from the Co-operative Bank and Chris Agius, Hugh James