Mr Justice Dove has today rejected the challenge to the decision by the Secretary of State authorising the compulsory purchase of the last remaining plots of land standing in the way of a new and much enlarged 55,000 seater stadium for Tottenham Hotspur FC, for which it has planning permission and all other consents. The plots in question, just next door to the existing stadium, are owned by Archway Sheet Metal Works Limited and the family behind it. Haringey Council made the compulsory purchase order back in 2012, to which Archway objected. Following a public inquiry, the Inspector recommended that the order not be confirmed. However, the Secretary of State disagreed and he confirmed the order. It was this decision that Archway challenged in the High Court. Archway’s premises occupy the spot earmarked for the centre circle of the new stadium’s pitch. All four counsel in the proceedings are members of Landmark Chambers. Christopher Lockhart-Mummery QC represented Archway and the family trustees Stephen Whale represented the Secretary of State Timothy Corner QC represented Haringey Council Christopher Katkowski QC represented the football club