James Maurici QC and Sasha Blackmore are speaking at the PEBA National Conference 2018. They are speaking on "Litigating Planning and Environmental Challenges in the Higher Courts - tactical considerations and procedural developments" and will be sharing key strategies for successful litigation. Sasha White QC is also speaking at the Conference on the highly topical "Housing Delivery and Reform in 2018 and Beyond - are things really about to change?". This is especially topical after the Prime Minister’s speech and the release of the draft NPPF earlier this week. The key note speech is being given by The Right Hon Lord Hodge, Justice of the Supreme Court, and Baroness Hale, President of the Supreme Court, will also be delivering the Frances Patterson Paper in memory of Dame France Justice Patterson, former Senior Judge of the Planning Court. The event is being held at Hogan Lovells International LLP, London.