Councillors of the London Borough of Harrow refused permission against officer advice and against the views of the Design Panel for three seven-storey buildings on the car park of a tube station on the grounds of design (excessive height and bulk) and impacts on the neighbouring registered park and garden and Conservation Area despite the scheme being 100% Affordable Housing. The developer and the Mayor of London appealed on the merits of the scheme and on the need for affordable housing. On 7th December 2021, the appeal was dismissed. The scale of the buildings resulted in an overbearing building which led to less than substantial harm to the RPG and CA which was not outweighed by the benefits. The scale caused significant harm to the character and appearance of the area. Whether or not the proposals were properly understood as “tall buildings” within D9 of the London Plan permission would be refused. The decision is here. David Forsdick QC acted for Harrow LBC.