On 12 July the inquiry opens into Lord Derby's appeal against the refusal of his application for an urban extension to the north of Newmarket at Hatchfield Farm, which is expected to run for the rest of the month and to conclude in September. The appeal concerns a mixed use proposal for 1,200 houses, business floorspace together with ancillary development. It is said to be a necessary development to meet housing need in a highly sustainable location.
The site previously had support from the Forest Hearth Core Strategy 2010, was removed from the plan when a significant part of it was quashed by Collins J. in March 2011 in Save Historic Newmarket Ltd & Others v. Forest Heath District Council [2011] EWHC 606 (Admin) for breach of the SEA Regulations and Directive. Forest Heath DC opposes the application and has launched a single issue review of housing in the district.
The inquiry is highly controversial and is strongly opposed by not only the Council but by the horse racing industry (Tattersalls Ltd, Darley Stud Management Co. Ltd, Godolphin Management Co. Ltd, Jockey Club Estates Ltd, Newmarket Trainer’s Federation and the Newmarket Stud Farmers Association) and Save Historic Newmarket Limited. The proposals are seen by opponents as likely to cause serious harm to the unique character of Newmarket and to the racing industry which is responsible for a significant portion of the local economy and which makes an important contribution to the UK economy equivalent to the film industry (including much investment from abroad).
Christopher Boyle is junior counsel for Lord Derby
David Elvin QC and Charles Banner represent Save Historic Newmarket Ltd.