A planning inquiry into Viridor Waste Management Ltd’s proposals for an energy from waste, waste management facility, on an existing waste site at Ardley, Oxfordshire close to junction 10 of the M40 opened at Cherwell DC offices in Banbury. The proposals, which have been procured by Oxfordshire County Council to process all OCC’s residual municipal waste were refused permission by OCC as planning authority last year. The proposed facility will treat up to 300,000 tonnes of waste per annum which would otherwise go to landfill. Issues raised by OCC and Cherwell DC principally relate to the acceptability of the proposals in terms of impact on the countryside. Issues regarding other matters are raised by others, including the local parish councils. David Elvin QC and Toby Fisher represent the Appellant, Viridor Waste Management Ltd Gwion Lewis represents Cherwell DC For further information click here