
High Court to hear Guildford Local Plan challenges

The High Court (Sir Duncan Ouseley sitting as a High Court Judge) will start hearing three s. 113 challenges to the adoption of the Guildford Local Plan on Tuesday. The three claims CO/2173, 2174 and 2175/2019) raise a number of issues including:

  1. The “exceptional circumstances” test for release of land from the Green Belt;
  2. SEA compliance; and
  3. Habitats.
There are it total 9 parties to the litigation. James Maurici QC and Heather Sargent appear for the First Interested Party, Wisley Property Investments Limited instructed by Herbert Smith Freehills LLP. Richard Turney appears for the Second Interested Party, Blackwell Park Limited, instructed by Mills & Reeve LLP Andrew Parkinson appears for the Third Interested Party, Martin Grant Homes Limited, instructed by Cripps LLP.

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