Connors and others v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and others [2014] EWHC 2358 (Admin) All five cases involved Gypsies or Travellers and Green Belt sites. In every case, the Secretary of State disagreed with the recommendations of his appointed Inspectors and refused to grant even temporary planning permission. His decisions were challenged by way of applications or appeals under sections 288-289 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. The challenges included claims that the 1 July 2013 Written Ministerial Statement (on the criteria for directing that Green Belt Gypsy and Traveller appeals be determined by the Secretary of State) was unlawful, as well as claims that the individual directions that the appeals would be determined by the Secretary of State rather than by an Inspector were unlawful. Mr Justice Lewis rejected all of the challenges. Stephen Whale of Landmark Chambers successfully represented the Secretary of State in all five cases.