A planning inquiry into proposed retail development off Earl Road in Handforth Dean, Cheshire, opened on 23 January 2018 and will run for 3-4 weeks. The inquiry concerns three called-in applications by CPG Development Projects Ltd for 27,439 sqm of retail and restaurants and a recovered appeal by Orbit Investments (Properties) Ltd in respect of 6,035 sqm. The local planning authority, Cheshire East Council, resolved to grant planning permission for the called-in applications and refused permission for the recovered appeal. The inquiry will consider objections from Peel Holdings (Land and Property) Ltd, St Modwen Properties Plc and Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council. The objections are made on the grounds of: (a) loss of employment land to retail; (b) a failure to comply with the sequential test for retail sites and a significant adverse impact on nearby town centres; (c) an unacceptable impact on the highway network and lack of sustainable transport options. David Elvin QC and Matthew Fraser act for CPG Development Projects Ltd, and Graeme Keen acts for Cheshire East Council.