
Council successfully defends housing land supply and refusal of 160 dwellings

Following a six-day public inquiry, a Planning Inspector has refused an outline scheme for up to 160 dwellings in the countryside adjacent to Stowmarket, Mid Suffolk. The Inspector found that Mid Suffolk District Council could successfully demonstrate a five-year housing land supply. In doing so, he confirmed the extent to which information gathered after the cut-off date is relevant for the calculation of housing land supply: “a site granted permission after [the cut-off date for the calculation of the housing land supply] should not, therefore, be included in the sites with permission categories within the 5YHLS. However, this does not mean that all information gathered after the cut-off date is irrelevant where, for example, this serves to confirm that assumptions made when deciding what should be in the supply were well founded.” The Inspector also found that the proposed development would have an unacceptable impact on the character and appearance of a valued landscape, and would result in less than substantial harm to the setting of a listed building. On the basis of those adverse impacts, the Inspector decided that the appeal should be dismissed. The appeal decision can be viewed here. Anjoli Foster acted for Mid Suffolk District Council.

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