The Secretary of State today agreed with the recommendation of her Inspector and granted planning permission on a called-in application for the redevelopment of existing industrial, storage and related uses to provide an industrial and warehousing estate in the Green Belt at Bedfont Road, East Bedfont, Middlesex, London, TW14 8EE.
The existing uses occupying the land were in large part unauthorised but had become immune. The existing uses had developed in a haphazard manner. They were unsightly, noisy and wholly uncontrolled. The Inspector and Secretary of State considered that significant weight could be attached to the fact that the proposals would replace these uses with a modern well designed industrial and warehousing estate meeting modern efficiency and sustainability standards. They also attached substantial weight to a wide-ranging package of environmental improvements to, and uses of, open land surrounding the estate. It was concluded that but for Green Belt issues the proposals were supported by the Development Plan. The view taken was that the merits of the proposed development would clearly outweigh harm to the Green Belt.
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James Maurici appeared for the LB of Hounslow which supported the grant of planning permission.