
12th Edition of "Homelessness and Allocations"


The twelfth edition of “Homelessness and Allocations” has just been published by the Legal Action Group. The first edition was published after the Housing (Homeless Persons) Act 1977 came into force, since when it has recorded and analysed development of this area of the law. The new edition deals with

  • the extensive changes to the law on eligibility made by Brexit;
  • the forthcoming changes made by the Domestic Abuse Act 2021;
  • developments arising out of the pandemic, including R (Ncube) v Brighton & Hove City Council [2021] EWHC 578 (Admin) and the changes to both the English and Welsh Codes of Guidance necessitated by the pandemic.
Homelessness and Allocations is essential reading for housing lawyers and advisers, local authority housing and homelessness officers and housing associations seeking authoritative, accurate and accessible guidance on local authority duties and the rights of the homeless. Justin Bates is the co-author of the 12th edition as he has been since the 10th edition. For more details see here.

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