
Landmark Chambers Seventh Annual Property Law Mooting Competition Final

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The final of Landmark Chambers’ seventh annual Property Law Moot competition was held virtually with HH Judge Dight CBE presiding and we would like to commend all of the competitors for their versatility when adapting to mooting via video conference. We would like to congratulate the two winning competitors, Bethany Arrowsmith and Alexander Yean from the University of Oxford. Commenting on yesterday’s final David Holland QC, Chair of the Property Group at Landmark Chambers, said: “I congratulate Oxford University on their victory in the final of this years Landmark Chambers Property Moot. However I would like to thank all of the competitors for their hard work and effort throughout the competition. We are constantly impressed by the standard of work and this year was no exception. I hope that everyone who competed enjoyed and benefited from their participation. I hope that they take away from it that practice at the property Bar is a rewarding and stimulating career. Finally I would also like to thank HHJ Dight CBE who judged the moot again this year. As an introduction to courtroom advocacy, our students could not have had a better, kinder and more learned Judge.” Our Property Team would like to thank all of the competitors for taking part and making the competition a success – Birkbeck, University of London City, University of London King's College London London Metropolitan University LSE Queen Mary University of London The Open University University College London University of Bristol University of Cambridge University of Durham University of Keele University of Kent University of Law, Bloomsbury University of Leicester University of Nottingham University of Oxford University of Plymouth University of Reading University of Sheffield University of Southampton University of Sunderland University of Surrey University of Swansea University of Warwick University of Westminster University of Winchester University of York If you would like to register your interest in participating in the Landmark Chambers Property Law Moot Competition 2021/2022, please email: Please note that Landmark Chambers will only accept one team per University and would therefore prefer to be contacted by a member of faculty, or the person responsible for the organisation of external moots.

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