Webinar - Costs for Planners

Past event

Tuesday 04 May 2021


Join some of Landmark Chambers’ leading planning and costs juniors as they explore the costs jurisdiction, and exactly how big a stick it actually is.


Date and time

Tuesday 04 May 2021 | 16:00 - 17:00


Free to attend




Costs awards in planning inquiries and hearings are rare, but they do happen. Parties also often use them as a threat to try and discipline other participants. But what is the procedure for a costs award? How is it enforced? And how much can any party really expect to recover? Join some of Landmark Chambers’ leading planning and costs juniors as they explore the costs jurisdiction, and exactly how big a stick it actually is. We also want to hear from you. If you have any questions or issues that you’ve come across, and would particularly like us to address, please submit these questions in advance by email to: marketing@landmarkchambers.co.uk (names will not be attributed).


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