***Postponed*** Annual Rating Conference 2020

Past event

Thursday 23 April 2020

Centre Building (CBG), LSE, Houghton Street, Holborn, London, WC2B 4RR


Date and time

Thursday 23 April 2020 | 10:00 - 16:30


Early bird rate available until 6th March £140+ VAT 7th March until the day of the conference £180+ VAT Free to attend for local authorities, limited to one local authority per firm.




09:30 Registration & refreshments 10:00 Welcome by Chair - Tim Mould QC 10:05 Charitable relief - Jenny Wigley 10:35 Material changes of circumstances - Galina Ward 11:05 Upper Tribunal practice and duties of experts - David Forsdick QC 11:35 Refreshments 11:55 Panel discussion and questions on check challenge and appeal in the tribunals The panel will include external speakers and Landmark barristers (Delegates are invited to submit topics of interest to seminars@landmarkchambers.co.uk) 12:45 Lunch 13:45 Buildings undergoing refurbishment – where are we now? - Luke Wilcox 14:15 Valuation - some thoughts on the Telereal Trillium and Exeter City Council decisions- Tim Mould QC 14:45 Empty property cases – boxes, guardians and shams - Jacqueline Lean 15:15 Refreshments 15:35 Panel discussion on rateable occupation – what has been decided and what is likely to be litigated in the coming year - Facilitated by Galina Ward, featuring Tim Morshead QC and Dan Kolinsky QC 16:30 Close

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