Date and time
Monday 04 November 2019 | 9:45 - 17:15
£120 + VAT
Complimentary places for local authorities.
This seminar is for Planning solicitors and consultants.
9:30 Registration
9:45 Introduction by Chair
Rhodri Price Lewis QC
9:55 The NPPF: recent changes and case law
Rupert Warren QC
10:20 Judging housing supply: the latest case law on housing supply
Charles Banner QC
10:50 Refreshments
11:10 Habitats update
David Elvin QC
11:40 Air quality as a ground of challenge in planning cases: Shirley, Hillingdon
Andrew Byass
12:10 Practice and procedure update
Kimberley Ziya
12:40 Lunch
13:40 Development Plan challenges update
Stephen Morgan
14:10 Climate change as a ground of challenge in planning cases
David Forsdick QC
14:40 Material considerations following Wright in the Supreme Court
Neil Cameron QC
15:10 Refreshments
15:30 CIL cases in the High Court
John Litton QC
16:00 Interpretation of planning permissions/implication of conditions following Lambeth in the Supreme Court
Sasha Blackmore
16:30 EIA and SEA update
Richard Turney
17:00 Questions and discussions
17:15 Close