*Fully Booked* The new Telecoms Code: the story so far

Past event

Tuesday 30 April 2019

Landmark Chambers, 180 Fleet Street, London EC4A 2HG


Date and time

Tuesday 30 April 2019 | 17:00 - 19:30


£50+ VAT




17:00 Introduction by chair - David Holland QC 17:05 Consideration/compensation and the approach taken by the tribunal - Jonathan Wills 17:30 The provisions relating to redevelopment - Nicholas Taggart 17:55 Terms of the agreement Toby Watkin 18:20 Service of notices - Camilla Lamont 18:45 Applications for Interim agreements and the approach taken by the tribunal thus far - Miriam Seitler 19:10 Questions and discussion 19:30 Drinks

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