Claudia Hyde

Call: 2023

Claudia accepts instructions across Chambers' areas of practice, with a particular interest in all aspects of public and administrative law.

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Practice summary

Public and Administrative





Practice Summary

Claudia joined Landmark Chambers as a tenant in October 2024 following the successful completion of pupillage and accepts instructions across all areas of public, planning, environmental and property law. She has acted for non-governmental organisations (NGOs), public bodies (including central government), individuals and developers.

During pupillage, Claudia was supervised by Richard Turney KC, Ben Fullbrook, Camilla Lamont, Sasha Blackmore, Andrew Byass and Chris Jacobs, gaining significant experience across Chambers’ core practice areas. Since commencing practice, Claudia’s notable work has included:

  • Acting as junior counsel, alongside Harriet Wakeman, to David Blundell KC in the Cranston Inquiry.
  • Acting for the appellant in an appeal to the First-Tier Tribunal (General Regulatory Chamber) in a high-profile matter regarding the refusal of a request for information under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.
  • Advising a community group on potential grounds for statutory review of an Inspector’s decision granting planning permission for a major development in a highly sensitive area located in close proximity to several SSSIs.
  • Representing landlords and tenants in residential possession proceedings arising out of tenancies under the Housing Act 1988, as well as in related civil and interlocutory applications such as applications to set aside, directions and allocation hearings.

Claudia is a member of the Attorney General’s “Junior Junior” scheme. She accepts instructions on a pro bono basis in appropriate cases and is a member of Advocate’s panel of barristers.

Claudia graduated with a first-class law degree, receiving several academic prizes, and received a scholarship to study an LLM in Public International Law. She speaks fluent French and German, and is well-placed to advise on matters with international law aspects.

Before joining the bar, Claudia had a successful career in public affairs. This included advising charities, trade unions, public bodies and FTSE-100 listed companies on stakeholder, government and media relations strategy. After completing her Master’s Degree, she worked as a Judicial Assistant in the Court of Appeal to Simler LJ (as she then was). This included working on notable cases such as:

  • MI (Pakistan) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2021] EWCA Civ 1711: a case concerning the proper interpretation of the “unduly harsh” test in section 117C of the Immigration Act 2014.
  • The Secretary of State for the Home Department v RM (Pakistan) [2021] EWCA Civ 1754: a claim based on derivative rights to remain in the UK under Regulation 16(5)(c) of the Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations 2016.
  • A Mother v Derby City Council & Anor [2021] EWCA Civ 1867: a high-profile case concerning the circumstances under which a deprivation of liberty order can be made in respect of the placement of a child in an unregistered children’s home.
  • R (on the application of BG & Anor) v Suffolk County Council [2022] EWCA Civ 1047: a case considering whether a local authority has the power, as a matter of law, to provide financial support for recreational activity and holidays under section 18 of the Care Act 2014.

Claudia is the editor of Landmark Chambers’ Public and Administrative Law blog, and additionally writes headnotes for the Journal of Planning and Environment Law and European Human Rights Reports.

Outside the bar, Claudia is a trustee of Community Advice Works, a legal advice charity in her local community, and is on the Junior Lawyers Committee of the Human Rights Lawyers Association, having previously served as Vice-Chair.

Public and Administrative

Claudia is building a broad public and administrative law practice. She has particular interest and expertise in matters concerning the Human Rights 1998, Equality Act 2010 and the UK’s obligations under international law, drawing upon her experience working at several domestic and international human rights NGOs:

  • Human rights and civil liberties: during pupillage, Claudia gained experience of challenges under the Human Rights Act 1998, including under Articles 3, 4, 8 and 14. She writes headnotes for European Human Rights Reports. Before pupillage, Claudia volunteered in the Advice and Information Team at Liberty and was a researcher for a best-selling human rights book.
  • Immigration and asylum: Claudia has a keen interest in protection claims and claims under the Refugee Convention, holding a Master’s Degree in Public International Law. She was formerly a Judicial Assistant in the Court of Appeal where she worked on several appeals and permission to appeal applications concerning immigration law.
  • Public inquiries: Claudia acts as junior counsel, alongside Harriet Wakeman, to David Blundell KC in the Cranston Inquiry. During pupillage, Claudia gained experience in public inquiry work through her supervisor Chris Jacobs in the Post Office/Horizon IT Inquiry.
  • Education: Claudia accepts instructions in all aspects of education law, with a particular interest in Special Educational Needs and Disability law, and has represented appellants in the First-Tier Tribunal.
  • Public international law: during pupillage, Claudia gained experience of matters involving international human rights, maritime and environmental law. Her previous work experiences includes providing legal analysis for a genocide prevention charity and interning at an international human rights charity that supports survivors of torture.


Claudia is building a varied practice across all areas of planning and is regularly instructed to advise on planning matters. Claudia is well-placed to advise on both strategic and legal matters arising at all stages of the planning process in light of her previous experience of working in public affairs, specialising in local government. This included advising clients such as commercial and residential developers on devising and executing successful communications and stakeholder/political engagement strategies to secure planning permission.

During pupillage, Claudia was supervised by Richard Turney KC, Ben Fullbrook, Sasha Blackmore and Andrew Byass. She gained experience of planning matters such as Compulsory Purchase Order inquiries and procedure; the operation of the Community Infrastructure Levy regulations; planning inquiries involving applications in the Green Belt and in other sensitive sites; enforcement matters; and planning judicial review. This included:

  • Assisting in the case of Home Farm Land Ltd v Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities & Anor [2023] EWHC 2566 (Admin), which concerned an important point of planning statutory review procedure;
  • Advising a public body on Biodiversity Net Gain requirements introduced by the Environment Act 2021;
  • Drafting skeletons and pleadings in judicial review and statutory appeals of decisions in respect of various matters;
  • Assisting in the preparation of cross-examination and proofs of evidence in a major CPO Inquiry.

Claudia is a headnote editor for the Journal of Planning and Environment Law and is able to advise on the implications of significant planning judgments.


Claudia is developing a varied practice covering all aspects of environmental law. Her recent experience has included:

  • Advising a community group on grounds to oppose an application for a Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development for a houseboat in an area of high flood risk.
  • Acting for the appellant in an appeal to the First-Tier Tribunal (General Regulatory Chamber) in a high-profile matter regarding the refusal of a request under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.
  • Advising a community group on potential grounds for statutory review of an Inspector’s decision granting planning permission for a major development in a highly sensitive area located in close proximity to several SSSIs.
  • Advising a renewable energy producer on the interpretation and application of the Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme Regulations 2018

During pupillage, Claudia was supervised by Richard Turney KC and Sasha Blackmore. She assisted with advice on Biodiversity Net Gain requirements, Habitats Regulations Assessment issues, SEA and EIA issues, the powers of the Forestry Commission to issue restocking notices and environment and climate-change related judicial review applications.

Claudia is a member of the Planning and Environmental Bar Association (PEBA) and the United Kingdom Environmental Law Association (UKELA).


Claudia appears regularly in the County Court in possession proceedings and related matters.

During pupillage, Claudia was supervised by Camilla Lamont. She gained experience in a range of matters, including:

  • Landlord and tenant: assisting in preparing for a trial of a contentious matter under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954; advising on a prospective claim for breach of a covenant for peaceful enjoyment of subject property and remedies; advising on a prospective claim for terminal dilapidations.
  • Real property: advising on strategy and prospects of success for applications to discharge and modify restrictive covenants under section 84(1) of the Law of Property Act 1925, as well as advising on matters relating to easements, adverse possession and proprietary estoppel.
  • Residential property: assisting with an appeal to the Upper Tribunal brought under section 27A of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985; drafting a defence to a claim for an easement by prescription over residential land.


Landmark's barristers often work at the intersection of our core practice areas; bringing a wide range of skills, knowledge and experience to bear on a particular dispute or issue facing a client.

Our focus is always on achieving the best possible outcome for our client. By viewing the client's objectives in a holistic way - and not purely through the lens of one rigidly-defined legal area - we deliver the best possible advice and representation in complex matters that engage multiple specialist areas of law. 

Whether it's providing support as an individual cross-practice barrister or a cross-disciplinary team of Landmark counsel, we are able to draw on an outstanding array of complementary skillsets and knowledge bases. This often achieves a better result than instructing multiple barristers from different specialist sets. This also improves the quality of client care through increased levels of communication, quicker response times, and a coordinated approach to clerking and fees, made possible by our team-based cross-practice approach.

Please contact our practice management team for more information.


EU Law post-Brexit

Local Government

Public Interest Litigation


Court of Protection


Energy and Utilities

High Court Planning

Housing and homelessness

Human Rights and Civil Liberties



Judicial Review

National Security

NHS, Health and Community Care

Public Inquiries and Inquests

Social Security



Compulsory Purchase and Compensation

Development Consent Orders

Development Contribution: Section 106 and CIL

Development Plans and other planning policy


Green Belt



Neighbourhood Planning

Planning Appeals, Inquiries and Hearings

Planning Enforcement and Injunctions

Planning Judicial and Statutory Reviews


Transport Orders and Parliamentary Bills


Aarhus Convention and Environmental Justice

Air Quality

Climate Change and Emissions Trading

Ecology and Biodiversity


Environmental Assessment (Environmental Outcomes)

Environmental information

Environmental Regulation

Habitats and Species


Pollution and Contaminated Land

Protection of the Countryside







EU Law post-Brexit

Local Government

Public Interest Litigation

Qualifications and achievements


  • London School of Economics and Political Science- LLB Law (First Class)
  • London School of Economics and Political Science- LLM Public International Law (Merit)
  • Inns of Court College of Advocacy- PGDip Bar Course (Merit)


  • Winner, 36 Group Written Advocacy Prize
  • Winner, Rene Cassin Human Rights Essay Prize
  • Winner, Blackstone Chambers Prize for Human Rights Law


  • Tancred Scholarship, Lincoln’s Inn
  • Anniversary Scholarship, London School of Economics and Political Science


  • Human Rights Lawyers’ Association (Junior Lawyers Committee Member)
  • Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales
  • Administrative Law Bar Association
  • Planning and Environmental Bar Association
  • United Kingdom Environmental Law Association
  • Advocate – pro bono panel member

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