
Continuing defence of Colchester

Despite finding a that the local planning authority had not shown that it was able to demonstrate a 5 year housing land supply, an appeal against non-determination of an application for permission to erect 97 dwellings on land at West Bergholt was dismissed (APP/A1530/W/18/3207626). This was because of overriding harm to the character and appearance of the settlement (the gap between it and the main built up area to the east in particular), and heritage assets within the immediate vicinity. This followed the dismissal, by decision dated 13 March 2018, of an appeal proposal for 122 dwellings on land on land on the edge of that same built up area (APP/A1530/W/17/3178656). These decisions can be found here and here. ([3] & [4] with this email) Simon Pickles advised and represented Colchester Borough Council on both appeals.

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