Newport Parish Council have been successful in defeating an appeal by Countryside Properties for a housing development on the edge of a large village in north Essex. The developer’s appeal for up to 150 dwellings in Newport, nr Saffron Walden, was dismissed due to the unacceptable harm to landscape character and the adverse visual impacts that would be caused by the development. This was despite Uttlesford District Council being unable to demonstrate a five-year housing land supply and despite the Inspector’s finding that the site was not part of a ‘valued landscape’ within the terms of NPPF para 170. This decision demonstrates the value of interested parties, such as Parish Councils, gaining rule 6 status and calling their own expert evidence at inquiries. Reading the decision, there is no doubt that the cogent and detailed evidence of the Parish’s landscape expert, Michelle Bolger, was critical to the outcome. Jenny Wigley represented the successful Parish Council. A copy of the Appeal Decision may be viewed here.