An called-in inquiry into a proposed large solar park at a former airfield at Wroughton, Swindon has now closed. The application was made by Swindon Commercial Services Limited and the Science Museum. The proposed ground mounted PV solar arrays would on a 67 hectare site would provide c. 40MW generation capacity. The application site lies within the North Downs AONB.
The proposals will generate enough renewable electricity for c 12,000 hones. In addition it would provide an income stream to assist the Science Museum with the preservation and conservation of 35,000 larger objects of national importance as well as half a million library and archive texts it stores in hangers on the former airfield. The items stored include a 140 tonne hot metal printing press, the world’s first Hydrogen fuel car, two Trident missiles, a number of airliners and the Tucker Snow Cat.
Swindon Borough Council resolved to grant planning permission in December 2013 but the application was called in by the Secretary of State.
The inquiry sat for 7 days commencing on Tuesday 9 September 2014 and closing on Friday 19 September 2014.
For press coverage, click here.
James Maurici QC appeared for the applicants instructed by Pegasus Planning.
Richard Clarke appeared for Swindon Borough Council.
Scott Lyness appeared for English Heritage.